Business of Design Week 2016
Inspiration Hall
Hall 3DE
Booth No 3 B12
Hong Kong Convention
and Exhibition Centre
1 Expo Drive
Hong Kong
1st - 3rd December 2016

BlackBOX – Design and Innovation | Melbourne Australia is an exhibition that celebrates design and innovation from Melbourne Victoria Australia.
The black box flight recorder was invented in Melbourne in 1957 by David Warren. Adopted as a standard air safety device it is installed on all commercial aircraft so this innovative research has had global impact.
The analysis of data captured by a black box flight recorder provides valuable insights that help to ensure future air travel is safer. The BlackBOX research project has captured raw data about the history of design and innovation in Melbourne and the exhibition acts as an archive for future analysis and research.
The exhibition layout references Melbourne’s town planning, with the Hoddle grid inspiring a field of sixty four 3D printed boxes. Products designed by professional designers that have endured are featured with most still in production. A digital archive for each project is activated as visitors approach an individual box.
The pure geometric cubes represent solid state memory and reference the idea of the black box. They give voice to an untold history of design and innovation from Melbourne. Actual flight recorders are neither black nor box shaped. The content is viewed utilising Melbourne based Art Processors innovative mobile content delivery solutions.
The app is available for iOS mobile devices using wifi which highlights the invention of wifi by the CSIRO in Australia.
Ian Wong